World's Largest Painting Will Debut In Prague This Summer

by Georgia Bobley · May 22, 2012

    Kazakhstan-born artist Lekim Ibragimov recently completed a painting that may be the largest in the world. The 216 foot wide painting, titled 1001 Angles And One Painting, is comprised of 1000 individual paintings of angels, which the artist then put together to form one large piece.

    Ibragimov started working on the painting, which is inspired by the famous collection of folk tales, "One Thousand and One Nights," in 2010. He began by creating a 50-foot sketch, and that eventually grew into the 1001 art project.

    According to the Huffington Post,

    "Each individual angel is painted onto its own canvas, amounting to 1,000 individual pieces which were then carefully linked to create one unified entity."

    The result is a painting based that tells the legendary story of One Thousand and One Nights.

    The 1001 art project will debut in Prague on July 9th, and will continue to tour the world, stopping at a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Though the large-scale painting hasn't broken any world records yet, 1001 Angels And One Painting has already been submitted to the Guinness World Records Committee for consideration.

    Follow the 1001 Art Project on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!

    [Photos via]