The Dark Side Of DBTH

by Stanely Stuyvesant · September 10, 2008

    Down By The HipsterOk DBTH, we get it.  You're a nightlife blogger.  That being said, you prob shouldn't fashion your site after a smoke-filled whiskey-drenched warren.  There"s a reason why there are "ugly lights" at nightclubs.  It's so you don"t see very well.  Well, the same simply doesn't hold true for a blog.  In fact the very opposite is true!  Yes, we may not exactly want to read what you have to say DBTH, but at least we should be able to see what we don"t want to read.

    black imageAnd for the 2 readers that do read you, shouldn't you reward them with a more enjoyable blog experience?  In case you don"t want to believe me, take it from this website.  And for those of you who want to hurt your eyes and step into the bowels of a nightspot, trot on over to downbythehipster.

    Just don"t inhale.

    [Ironic Sans]