Did You Miss Paris Hilton's 5 AM Airport Drama?

by Mackenzie Johnson · June 7, 2016

    For those of you who don't follow B-List heiresses on snapchat, you missed quite the display early yesterday morning as Paris Hilton "lost her passport" but nonetheless proceeded to board a flight later that day at JFK.

    Here's a rundown of what went down... First, a stressed Hilton realizes she has lost her passport. FYI this is all at 5 am. With black trucker hat intact and hit '06 single "Stars are Blind" playing in the background she begins the search through her already packed luggage. Hilton gives us insight into her packing list as we see Paris Hilton merchandise aplenty along with a sea of For Love and Lemons maxi dresses. After a solid 20 minutes of deep search Hilton says "Eh, lets see if I can do without" AND guess what... she does. Hilton later depicts a TSA officer, also by the name of "Hilton," allowing her through security and into the comfort of her awaiting first class cabin.

    For more stimulating content and breaking news follow @parishilton on Snapchat...or you know, don't.

    [Photo via @parishilton]