Seems like Iggy Pop kind of hates Fashion Week (more on this later), but that didn't stop him from performing for a star-studded Pop Magazine party at Don Hill's this past Friday. Gwen Stefani, Adrien Grenier, and Chloë Sevigny, all made it out for the hot spot's rock-star-studded Fashion Week bonanza.-
And here's what Iggy had to say to the crowd, as per the Observer:
"I think we're all aware that it's Fashion Week in New York City. Just remember, fashion people, your pretty face is going to hell."
Do you think the good-looking folks below are headed for the Inferno? Judge for yourself:
No Doubt frontwoman Gwen Stefani puts together some interesting prints.
Chloe Sevigny, Adrien Grenier
Loving your ruby red slippers, lady.
Adrien Grenier
Apparently, things got bloody?
[Black and white photographs by Terry Richardson, color photographs by The Cobrasnake]