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Saparmurat Niyazov

Saparmurat Niyazov
Saparmurat NiyazovThe former leader of Turkmenistan who died in 2006 was the model narcissist, and most of us could learn a lot about loving ourselves from him. Not only did he rename the month January after himself, his face was printed on all the country's money. The book he wrote, called the "Book of the Soul," was required reading in all schools and government employees had to learn it by heart to keep their jobs. Of course, a guy with such a huge ego does not dress it down. The tall, dark, and debatably handsome sole ruler of the former Soviet state liked fancy things and lots of color. His favorite accessory was a hat made of white lamb wool and a colorful cape in red and yellow. Unidentified sources also claim he had a knack for antique furniture. - - He gets 4 out of 10 scepters. That hat really looks fluffy. [Photo via]
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