Guest Dressed: What New York Is Wearing Today

by Cary Randolph Fuller · December 14, 2010

    With last night's snow fall, the city has finally begun to view winter fashion with a more urgent eye. Here are a few stories to stoke your inspiration for last-minute gifts and your clothing taste this season. Hint: jeggings not included.

    Break out of the Bergdorf bubble and discover 19 other amazing holiday window displays in NYC. (See Barneys' window at left.) [Refinery29]

    GANT creates world's best varsity jacket, solves every woman's gift-buying quandary. [Sartorially Inc.]

    Insidery band U.S. Royalty's debuts a video of its recent show at Steven Alan in TriBeCa. [USRoyalty]

    CFDA winner Billy Reid shot clay upstate, and Sean Sullivan caught it on film. [Gilt MANual]

    Always a year behind the curve, the Times finally "discovers" the Sartorialist. [NYT]

    Tumblr's favorite fashionista unveils the week's best sample sales. [Of Vice and Men]