What I Wore Would Be Hated By Mary Rambin

by MADDY MADISON · April 16, 2008

    awesome girlPhoto via whatiworewouldbehatedbymaryrambin 

    Some of us hold ourselves to impossible standards.  If I fail to curse at my fellow commuters under my breath at least six times per rush hour, then I feel like an worthless failure of a human being.  But that's why they make gelato!  For the guilt.

    Then there's Molly McAleer.  She's set her sights high by creating an awkwardly-named yet rather genius ode to chroncling her Journies with Mary© in What I Wore Would Be Hated By Mary Rambin.  She's clearly come full circle in the five stages of failure, with which I am intimately acquainted (thanks, boss!):

    Overacheivement:  The belief that one can emulate the style of Rambin I, with her sister.  Funny, her sister Rambin II, sounds like a good name for a battleship.

    Noble Attempt: Molly, no one will ever fault you for your admirable, and not entirely misguided, stab at the uncalculated bohemian look.  However, the pink stirrup pants may have pushed it over the edge.

    Utter and Abject Failure: True, Rambin I would probably bleed from the retinas at the sight of this Hypothermic Raver look while Rambin II stood around looking blond.  Nonetheless, I dig the chutzpah inherent in wearing something that resembles a radioactive eggplant with what appear to be Dockers circa '92.  Points for you, Molly.

    Resignation, Acceptance and The Funny:  It is often once we've collapsed into an exhausted state of acceptance that we find ourselves inching closer toward our goal.  At least, that what Mom always tells me.  I actually have a serious affinity for this dress and, judging by Molly's demeanor, she would agree if she hadn't gotten so intimate with the keg of Stella she's pointing to.  So, to wrap up the lesson for today, we should congratulate Molly.  She's moved through all five stages of fashion evolution and now graduated to the Personal Humor Blog.

    [Interview With Mary Rambin]