An Easy Getaway

by SAMANTHA QUEEN · March 2, 2008

    travel showIf you’re anything like me, you sometimes just ITCH to leave the country. It’s not a pending trial or an outstanding warrant that makes me want to leave; it’s just some residual wanderlust from my college years, which unfortunately only undergrads and the truly free-spirited among us are apt to indulge. Well, the New York Times finally came to the rescue of existential wallowers like myself, sponsoring “Travel Show”. That’s right, this weekend, the public only had to go as far as the Javits Center to take advantage of travel seminars, global performances, cooking demonstrations, sweepstakes and offers, etc. Sure, it may not be the trip to Vietnam and Cambodia that you’ve been dreaming for the past ten months, but it may quell some of that restlessness for the time being. If nothing else, I am sure that it will provide fodder for ten months of pipe dreaming during workday lulls. Tour last through today and tickets are $15 a pop.