"Best $2K I Ever Spent" Day & Night Brings St. Tropez To Gurney's Inn

by Chelsea Burcz · August 10, 2011

    Day & Night came back to Gurney's Inn over the weekend to celebrate it's addition to St. Tropez, and it was messy -- the kind of messy where your bangs are soaked in sticky champagne and plastered down on your forehead and your dress is splattered and stained with cranberry juice and vodka. So what are some lessons we've learned from these drunk bafoons? Well, for one drinking a bottle of rosé that is half the size of your body to the face will undoubtedly lead to some sloppy outcomes...

    She's only sharing the wealth, why drink it when others can drink it off you! How generous!

    Drenched in champagne - super soaker style.

    No, but really, it tastes better this way I promise!

    Here are the steps that will get you on the chick above's level:

    1. Chug. Chug. Chug to the face some good ol' classy rosé!

    2. Make some friends, laugh a little, live a little...

    3. There's cake on his head, he's getting a little dazed, but he's still smiling...

    4. DONE.

    [All photos via KirillWasHere]