Why You Will Adore À Nos Amours

by Adam Bertrand · August 5, 2008

    maurice pialatBecause it's from the great French director Maurice Pialat, whose films are known for their raw, even brutal portrayal of love and the loss of innocence. Because, violence aside, both the actors and the cinematography manage to exude that quirky elan unique to les Francais. Because the plot, which involves the sexual awakening and ensuing promiscuity of 15 year-old Suzanne as a response to the splitting of her conservative family, refuses to compromise and let its viewers relax.

    Because Pialat has no villains, nor heroes. Because you're going to identify with at least one of the characters, whether you like it or not. Because it was filmed during the 80's, and the wardrobe and soundtrack are every bit as cheasetastic as you'd hope. Eh bien, allez vous chez Guild Hall (158 Main St, East Hampton) pour que vous le regardiez!

    À Nos Amours is playing at Guild Hall tonight at 7:30.

    [Image via Digitally Obsessed]