The Weekend Juice....

by Stanely Stuyvesant · July 7, 2008

    dune southamptonThis weekend was jam packed with people trying to celebrate our nation's Independence.  Besides the cops busting up Devorah's party at the Socialife house (we got there too late!), here's some other items you may or may not care to hear about:

    At Dune: A customer at Dune in Southampton sent over his idol Terrell Owens a bottle of Ace of Spades champagne. The gentleman that Owens is, he went over to say thank you and the generous customer gave him a $25K diamond rope necklace off his neck and told him that he was his favorite receiver because he came back from a severe injury to play in the Super Bowl against Philadelphia. (UM wow!)

    Also at Dune was Richard Jefferson, Melvin Fowler, Maxwell, Brandon Davis, Russell Simmons and Andre Harrell.

    Dune owner Matt Shendell handed Terrell Owens a bag of popcorn and quoted Owen’s famous quote “getcha popcorn ready” as Russell Simmons, Andre Harrell, Melvin Fowler, Maxwell, Richard Jefferson and Zoe McLeelan from Dirty Sexy Money looked on.

    At Blue and Cream: The Real Housewives of NYC stopped by Blue & Cream and spent $10k on clothes for the holiday weekend while “The real lady of the Hamptons” Kate Capshaw was also shopping in the store.