This New Caviar Company Is The Life Of The Party

by Alexander Hankin · August 25, 2021

    Air's Champagne Parlor, Tokyo Record Bar, Niche Niche, Special Club: just a few of the verified hot spots Ariel Ace has gifted New York over the past few years. So it should come as absolutely no surprise that her newest project is as classy as it is cool - de-fussing caviar!

    As Ace explains, “CaviAIR is your low key hookup to the most misunderstood luxuries, Caviar & Champagne. Its intention is to give everyone the opportunity to feel bad and bougie without having to break the bank. The most fun thing about caviar is that you don’t have to know anything to enjoy it, but if you want to be the coolest kid at the party we can educate while you elevate.”

    Offering everything one could need for a fancy fête or indulgent evening in (their Caviar Cake is without a doubt the most epic way to celebrate any occasion), CaviAIR is far more than just a tasty online store. 

    All summer long the cheeky retailer has been bring caviar to the masses out East, slinging the goods out of their 1964 Land Rover Defender.

    “We want to take stress out of caviar with culinary kits and bubbly to pair so all you have to do is lay it out and go to town. We also offer a variety of sturgeons in a selection of sizes from hanging alone in bed to partying out the back of a Land Rover defender.”

    The CaviAIR Car can be found parked and ready to party on a weekly basis at The Maidstone, but is also available to roll up to yours for Apero Hour Parties. 

    Their tricked out truck will pull straight up to your lawn for an uber fancy tailgate including all the caviar you could ever need, champagne, potato chips (of course) and more!

    Personally, the CaviAIR Car was the fishy cherry on top of my fourth of July soirée - a special touch that left guests talking for days. 

    So don’t let your little summer get together be anything less than the chicest and book them for your next Backyard BBQ ASAP!

    Because really, what goes better than burgers and caviar?"... stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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