Hipsters Have Hearts Too: A Brooklyn Valentine's Day

by MADDY MADISON · February 13, 2008

    vday card

    [Card via JAllison via Someecards]

     Fine, some of us may only have charred, black embers where our heart once was but, hey, that’s no reason to skip all the V-Day festivities. Plus, you know what any kind of Hallmark holiday spells for the single among us: weepy, intoxicated, stragglers! Pick your next ex at these shindigs:

    Galapagos is hosting their 5th Annual V-Day shindig that promises burlesque, fire performers, and beatboys breakdancing. Anything to distract you from your single-dom.

    Park Slope’s sugar shack will let you slide into a food coma for just a little less than it would cost to pop in your Netflix and order Pad Thai with your roommate.

    Lastly, how could you pass up an event that bills itself as the perfect V-Day spot like this: “Nothing sets a mood like eating a truckload of baked ziti with a famous person.” I have yet to meet a guy who disagrees. Kyp Malone of TV on the Radio will be singing/eating/hopefully not spitting at the Grasslands Gallery for all of you brave enough to attend.

    Remember, there’s a reason why V-Day sounds so similar to VD. Enjoy!