Bar Refaeli Signs On With Hurley Creating The Ultimate Beach And Youth Culture

by Stanely Stuyvesant · July 21, 2008

    Bar RefaeliVictoria Secret Supermodel Bar Refaeli, better known for her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio has just signed on with the clothing brand Hurley.

    "Hurley does everything with a lot of genuine heart," Bar said, "and I love that Hurley’s beach culture lifestyle incorporates fashion and makes it look and feel sexy and effortless. Every time I travel, I pack their pieces so I have the Hurley culture with me wherever I go."

    The 23-year-old Israel-born globetrotter will bring her experience, enthusiasm and charisma to initiatives and events for which she and Hurley share a passion, as well as star in the Young Contemporary campaigns.  Keep your eyes open for her in her Hurley gear the next time she"s out with Leo at DUNE.