We Adore Store Adore

by Joseph Russell · July 29, 2008

    online shoppingStore Adore, an online directory of upscale-only clothing stores, is a lot like Yelp, only more professional and organized. The service, which bills itself as "your personal guide to exceptional boutiques on the trendiest streets across the country," has just added the Hamptons, and from what I can tell, there's nary a hot-off-the-runway Louboutin that's gone uncovered.

    Each listing is categorized by vibe, brands, style, prices, focus, and location, so Alice and Olivia, the first entry, is "Vibe: Downtown• Brands: Popular Boutique-y• Style: Out On The Town• Prices: Great Sales• Focus: Clothing• Where: Prime Shopping Area."

     The listings also come with an in depth profile, a forum, a coupons section, and a blog, whose latest entry is a shopping tour of Southampton. Don't frequent the east end? Store Adore also covers Chicago, Philadelphia, L.A., Boston, D.C., Manhattan, and Brooklyn. What, no Topeka?