The Stephen Talkhouse: Billy Joel, Tequila, and Hampton Rivalries

by LAUREN BELSKI · June 16, 2008

    Stephen Talkhouse, AmagansettWhen I come out East, I stay in Westhampton, so Southampton is about as far as I'm willing to travel. I was meeting up with friends at The Stephen Talkhouse and was all smiles until they told me where it was. The conversation went something like this:

    Me: Where is this place? Friend: Amagansett. Past East Hampton.

    At which point I decided I wasn't going. But I was told it would be worth it and the results were interesting. Talkhouse is where you go when you actually like the company you're with. There's live music, people are dancing, and after the last band goes on it feels just like a college bar. Billy Joel, Journey, and all your favorite sing-a-long hits are blaring through the speakers.

    If singing/dancing isn't your thing you can shoot a game of pool in the back room. The decor is rather risqué and has plenty of X-rated photos for your viewing pleasure. People were doing a lot more than just looking at these photos and I believe this place houses the most inebriated group of people on Long Island. It may be because Scott Caputo of Sir Drake was guest bartending in the back.

    My margarita was so strong I only needed one. Talkhouse is also a great place to meet new people. No, not "new people" who you will run into next week at Antik, but Hampton locals. I had a very informative lesson from some East Hampton boys on the rough streets of EH and the dangerous rivalry between the boys of East Hampton and the boys of Southampton.

    When you're tired of strangers and dancing to "Lollipop," you can head out to Talkhouse. It may be all the way in Amagansett but it's the closest thing to home.