Southampton Post Office, Not Pretty Enough For Hamptonites

by Maggie McGlinchy · June 10, 2011

    Southampton residents have been up in arms about the unkempt appearance of the Post Office on North Sea Road. According to 27east, the mayor has been flooded with complaints about the unsightly office but can't really do anything about it because it is federally owned and operated, but we have some suggestions if the post office facelift ever happens...


    Mayor Mark Eply wrote the following to the Southampton Postmaster:

    “I am absolutely appalled at the condition of the landscape at the Southampton Post Office. The post office failure to maintain that property in a respectable condition is an insult to the community that you serve."

    Well shoot! Apparently some contracting with landscapers has been the issue and the reason for their overgrown lawn, but when the post office first appeared in this new North Sea Rd location, they were supposed to be an example of environmental leaders for their "low maintenance" lawn was supposed to require little watering, mowing or fertilizers. I guess it needs a lot more help than they thought! And until they assess their lack of upkeep, it looks like people aren't going to stop giving them hell about it. Godspeed Southampton Post Office. Looks like you're gonna need it.

    Personally, I think the Post Office should just find some ten-year-old kid and pay him 20 bucks to mow the lawn, just to get the freaking job done.

    Then, they could have spa specials on their newly landscaped lawn, I was thinking maybe Facial Fridays?

    "We can't believe these idiots built us a spa!!" [Photo via]

    Manicure Mondays to buff those hard working cuticles away? Accompianed by some complimentary mojitos and margaritas? Or maybe get Ina Garten to come by and whip up some energy-infused, protein packed, fruit smoothies to prepare you for your morning run to the beach/yoga sesh?  I think that would do the trick.