Eavesdropping In: $50K And A Non Violent Disruption Are In The Plans For Romney's Fundraiser, Montauk Is Accepting Of A Non-Trendy Restaurant

by Dena Silver · July 2, 2012

    -When building a house south of the highway you expect it to be perfect. And if it's not, you could just tear it down and start again [NYPost]

    -$50,000 will buy a plate to David Koch's fundraiser for Mitt Romney next weekend as well as a "non-violent disrupt[tion]" by The Long Island Progressive Coalition [CurbedHamptons]

    -With German fare and decor that are far from trendy, it seems Montauk will embrace Zum Schneider as a newcomer to the Montauk restaurant scene [NYTimes]

    -Rely on taxi's no more, Zipcars have finally been established in various spots around the Hamptons [WesthamptonHamptonBaysPatch]

    -If seeing fireworks on land doesn't impress you, maybe you should charter a boat for the Fourth and catch the show that way [NYDailyNews]

    [Photo via]