Eavesdropping In: Casey Anthony Sentencing, Eliot Spitzer Loses His Show, U.S. Sets Record For Biggest Burger

by Chelsea Burcz · July 7, 2011

    BREAKING: Casey Anthony sentencing is occurring right now, watch live stream. [CMR]

    CNN has officially cancelled Eliot Spitzer's 8pm show while announcing Anderson Cooper’s AC 360 in it's place. [Mediate]

    Casey Anthony writes a letter to a fellow inmate, says she wants another child. [People]

    The U.S. set the record for hugest burger ever made on Saturday weighing in at 777 pounds. It whooped Canada's former record of 590 pounds. [Gizmodo]

    News media outlets are shelling out big bucks to get the exclusive from Casey Anthony. [NYP]