Eavesdropping In: "To Catch A Predator" Host Chris Hansen Caught Cheating, Prince Harry's New Girlfriend, And Lindsay Lohan's Night On The Town

by Chelsea Burcz · June 30, 2011

    After a career playing "candid camera" with pedophiles, "To Catch a Predator" host Chris Hansen has apparently been caught making sweet extramarital deviance to a woman 21 years his junior. [Gawker]

    A judge has said doctors can force Jared Lee Loughner to take antipsychotic medications in an attempt to make him mentally fit to stand trial for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others. [DB]

    Does Prince Harry have a new girlfriend? [People]

    A bolt of lightning hit Uganda killing 22 students and their teacher. [Gawker]

    Lindsay Lohan's big night out on the town, now that she is free from house arrest. [TMZ]