Counting on Comptoir

by Adam Bertrand · May 23, 2008

    [Image via Comptoir des Cotonniers]

    The first day we arrived in Paris, our friend schlepped our jat-lagged self over to Galleries Lafayette. Je veux dormir, we told her. Mais non, she said, you are in Paris, now is not the time to sleep! We wound our wistful way through increasingly cher vetements until, voila, we reached her favorite store, Comptoir des Cotonniers, and instantly all was forgiven. CdC has a pared-down, APC thing going on, albeit slightly more playful. Lines and shapes are structured, but not confining; everything is classy and interesting without screaming for attention. In other words,très français. And now, très américain as well; an outpost of the store is coming to Soho this September!