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New Wave Montauk

Your place of choice is Montauk - Long Island's worst kept secret. You're super into the off the grid, ever-heard-of-it? vibe, a place completely off the social map - you know, like Tulum! Well, at least 5 years ago that was true. 

Still - you're all about a straw fedora hat, jean cut offs, and serious chambray game - overly determined casual. And come dusk, just look at you, wobbling in your wedges a mile up the side of the road on your trendy pilgrimage to the Surf Lodge - a place where concerts may be free, but parking non-existent. Lugging your life on and off that casual 3-hour LIRR ride, your hair frizzed with humidity from the moment you step on the platform, piling into a cab because your friend Jessica was too busy de-frizzing her own hair to pick you up from the station. 

You must not like your vacations relaxing...

[Photo via @minabstyle]

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