Twitterific Hampton Tweets...

by KENDRA SEAY · September 4, 2009

    @BlakeMycoskie i'll be in montauk this saturday for an event at the TOMS pop up shop. come watch our documentary and get your TOMS... about 5 hours ago from Facebook

    @harleyvnewton The guy on the jitney just asked me if my cat was real. "Is that a cat? Is it alive?" about 1 hour ago from web -----

    @LauraKatzenberg U know summer is over when u see a flock of geese flying south in a v. Was such a beautiful sight to see while driving out to the hamptons about 5 hours ago from web

    More tweets below...

    @carolhan Marathon errand-running, unpacking/packing (montauk!), fighting jet lag. about 7 hours ago from TwitterBerry

    @gillianhearst T-24 hours until Labor Day weekend, how is the summer mere days away from being over? about 8 hours ago from TwitterBerry

    @Bethenny Hit ball 200 yards and got a few good putts (which evidently was good.)The key is to not care at all (and a slight buzz doesn't hurt either) about 9 hours ago from TwitterBerry