Will Tracy Feith Be At Surf Lodge Again This Year?

by Rachelle Hruska · April 7, 2009

    You know what I'm thinking about right now, as I'm looking out on a cold and dreary Bowery street?  Summer nights and boys in Tracy Feith. So are some readers, it seems.  Today, one emailed me: "Do you know if Surf Lodge are still going to have the Tracy Feith boutique this year?" I was curious too.  After the world watched as Michelle Obama donned the surfer's frock at the first official prayer service, his "designer stock" has no doubt skyrocketed.  So, what's the verdict? I went straight to the source, owner Jamie Mulholland to find out...

    YES! Tracy Feith will be having his store there this year, and will, undoubtedly be spotted amongst the crowd on the back deck just like last year. Rob Rich will be there to capture it all of course!

    We can't wait....This summer is going to be the best one yet!

    [Tracy Feith Pays Fashionable Visit To Surf Lodge] [Battle of the Brands] [Tracy Feith Brings Montauk To Target] [Clothes Make The Man] [Michelle Obama And Surf Lodge Staff Have A Lot In Common]