'Sluts Across America' Redefining What It Is To Be A 'Slut'

by Georgia Bobley · April 30, 2012

    Want to tell the world why you're a slut? The site Sluts Across America asks women to complete the sentence "I'm a slut because..." in 200 characters or less. You then enter in your zip code to locate other "sluts" in your area. But this site isn't exactly what it seems, it's actually a birth control advocacy project, and was started in response to the recent government controversy over contraception.

    [Photo via]

    According to the site,

    "Sluts Across America" is the collective voice of the women and men in this country who use or support birth control, and are sick of being judged because of our desire to be responsible and safe about our sexual health. If protecting ourselves makes us sluts, then it's time to redefine what "slut" actually means.

    Thousands of women in the US and abroad have already taken to the site to share with the world why they think they're sluts, and the varied responses show the wide range of reasons why women need birth control. Some of the responses include:


    "I want to graduate college in 4 years, be with my boyfriend, and not have a baby in the process."

    New York:

    "I need to get my career underway before I can deal with a baby."


    "I have the right to choose whether I have children or not."


    "Two kids is more than enough!"


    "I can't afford to have a kid right now!"

    The site has links to Planned Parenthood, the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, and the US Senate and House of Representatives contact forms, and urges women to contact their representatives to bring attention to the issue.

    [Photo via]