TGIF! Or so we thought until we looked at the calendar and realized what hellish treats were possibly in store for us. We never fear Fridays, but thirteens? No one ever says "bring it on" to that. Well, not unless you're Olivia Wilde in "House," in which case, you can blame the writers for giving her character a boy's name and a damn number as a nickname. Moving on, if you want to impress your nerdy friends, here are some facts about the number and the day on which it lands: -Fear of Fridays is skeviphobia. -Fear of the number 13 is triskaidekaphobia. -Fear of Friday the 13th is paraskevidekatriaphobia (or friggatriskaidekaphobia, which sounds like something you say to curse someone out). Usually, Friday the 13th occurs at least once a year, but this year, there are three of them. That's right, count 'em - today, April 13, and July 13. Are you really looking at a calendar to verify? Anyway, if you're superstitious, you should also know bad luck comes in threes. It wouldn't be so freaky if it weren't for the fact that they're EXACTLY 13 weeks apart. Uh oh. [Photo via]
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