Kate Moss Has Officially Put Her Party Girl Ways Behind Her

by Stephanie Maida · June 10, 2020

    Not that we expected the 46-year-old supermodel to be railing lines in quarantine (though an argument there could be made), but we are truly shocked by how much the patron saint of party girls has apparently changed her ways.

    In a recent interview with ELLE UK, Kate Moss revealed her at-home routine which is now way more Goop than Glastonbury. Her mornings, for example, start off with hot water and lemon along with a private yoga session, while her fridge is full of the cult-favorite health elixir known as "celery juice." Like every other wellness guru, Moss is also obsessed with jade rolling and lymphatic drainage massages.

    But we haven't gotten to the real bombshell: her bedtime. Kate Moss, queen of debauchery, now hits the hay at an all too civilized 11 pm. It's the end of a bad girl era, if you ask us.