Where to Re-Caffeinate In-Between Shows

fashion coffeeThough we, too, would love to get through fashion week month simply sipping on freshly-blended green juices, sometimes there's no other option but to turn to our good old friend: caffeine. These coffee shops are all located within a 20 minute walk of Somerset House, where most of the LFW shows take place, and one is even conveniently based right inside the building. Monmouth Coffee, 27 Monmouth Street, Covent Garden: for truly gourmet beans sourced from across the globe, all fair and equal trade. Gail's Bakery, 128 Wardour Street, Soho: for a great flat white, heavenly pastries, and an extremely convenient loyalty card. Fernandez & Wells, Somerset House, Strand: for their signature mini flat white, called the Stumpy (also, the owners met at Monmouth Coffee, which is really a sign sent from the coffee heavens). Tea & Tattle, 41 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury: for a mocha and a reading break, since this caffeine stop is also located in a bookshop. The Espresso Bar at The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square: for an even longer break, to catch the Peder Balke exhibit after you're done sipping your macchiato. [Photo via @notyourshehzadi]
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