Tasha Smith

Tasha SmithWhat does the Orange Ball mean to you? Well for one, when you think about Lupus LA and the fact that they help provide financial service to people with lupus, honey, that’s enough, okay? Because people don’t think about how it could affect you financially and not being able to work when you’re not well. Then, when I think about my friends that have lupus and how they are surviving and how this organization has helped empower them and encourage them, I am just happy to be here, to spread the word, and to talk about it. As this is a night of superheroes, who is your superhero and why? Toni Braxton honey. That’s my superhero boo. Toni Braxton because she is a mother, she is a performer, she is an entertainer, and no matter what she has gone through with lupus, she has not given up. She has not quit, she is a tour de force, and she is truly my superhero.
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