So, who saw some great live music this Memorial Day weekend? There was certainly plenty to choose from, and if you stayed in town (or even if you jaunted off to Vegas), the odds are you couldn't help but drunkenly stumble into some sort of street festival, live performance pool party, or whatever the hell combination of those two things Summertramp was. But, as we always tell you in this space, we really hope you didn't completely exhaust yourself grooving down with The Roots or fist-pumping in Nevada, because the next seven days of live music in L.A. are going to hit hard. We're talking everything from one of the feuding-est arena rock bands of all time (no, not you, Oasis) to Basque-influenced folktronica to a three-night stand at the El Rey for an ever-controversial hipster princess. So drop what you're doing and Go See A Show!

Lana Del Rey [via]