What are some of the ways you survived quarantine?

For me quarantine has been a way to reset and to allow myself to move slowly when I’m so accustomed to a fast-paced, travel based lifestyle. I’ve been staying sane by giving myself extra forgiveness as I find myself not necessarily accomplishing all the extensive to-do lists I created in my head for myself when lockdown first started. Rather than feeling guilty when I find it difficult to focus, to be productive, to “use the time wisely”, etc, I have allowed myself the space to recharge, to reflect and to re-calibrate in all areas of my life all while reminding myself that this in-between period is only temporary. I also decided to foster two little rescue puppies, and I think that was the best decision I made all quarantine and certainly helped with my sanity and keeping my spirits up (we couldn’t say goodbye to them, so now they live with Zack’s parents!). 

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