Who Made It Out To Animal Tuesdays This Week

by Morgan Stewart · April 28, 2011

    Go HERE for more photos by Trevor Penna and tag yourself and your friends!

    Have you managed to make your way on over to Animal (not the restaurant) yet? I know, I know! Don't worry if you're experiencing some minor confusion, we're about to make things crystal clear for you. Every Tuesday night, MyStudio plays dress up and disguises itself as Animal, making it socially acceptable to admit you're venturing out to what the rest of the world and city of Los Angeles recognizes as MyStudio but technically isn't, make sense?

    It takes some getting used to. But the concept really seems to be paying off as Animal has become a top contender for the Tuesday night outing and for this last one, Kill City joined in to help make the night extra special. A loyal following has kept the place packed with quite the eclectic crowd who like to get down. Shall we take a looksy at who made it out this week?

    Hey boys, we're not quite sure, maybe you could help us out? Was your inspiration Coming to America or 80s Queen Latifah? Dying to know.

    OMG what an honor! Captain Jean-Luc Picard got off that spaceship and swung by to have a few bevies and blow off some steam with the locals. What a cool guy!

    We're gonna go ahead and guess these two, probably have no idea who the hell each other is.

    Anybody who matches the shades of their lipstick to the shade of their phone AND can function properly with nails like that, really deserves some major PROPS in our book. That attention to detail is just not one that can be overlooked.

    WHO ARE YOU?! No really, if you come across this post, please reach out. Based upon this picture I think it's safe to say: I am in love with you and if some changes need to be made to have similar interests, NO problemo.

    Hey, hey, get your finger out of my boyfriend's eye!