Slide #2

Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson Cameron Diaz, on the other hand, is kind of the color of a Suburu Impreza, which must be a tough color to achieve without a tri-coat. And anyway, she's clearly chosen fun over fashion here, which was the whole point to begin with. I've made some Cameron Diaz jokes in my life, and I'm not exactly taking them back (anyone who has fed popcorn to Alex Rodriguez can never be let completely off the hook), but I think I've grown enough as a person that I'm ready to let her have her fun for a while. And I can see how she'd be fun, in that "Aunt from out-of-town who has a hotel room but ends up getting trashed on zinfandel and sleeping on your couch anyway" kind of way. I guess what I'm saying is, if any of you guys out there have a book club with an extra slot, maybe shoot her an invite, ok?
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