Finally, You Can Now Own The Dude's Sweater

by Alex Gilman · May 11, 2011

    Obviously, you're not a golfer. But, there's no question that The Big Lebowski is something of a holy text for our generation, a guide to scrubby L.A. living that covers everything from how to properly stuff a ringer (dirty undies, the whites) to how you should feel about the Eagles (they suck). But despite major events, serious academic discourse, and a major uptick in the popularity of Kahlua, acolytes of the philosophy of Jeffrey Lebowski (the one that can walk) have never had a way to walk a mile in The Dude's clear jellies or most iconic garment—until now.

    [Photo via] Yes, you can now buy at auction one of the four original cardigans made for The Big Lebowski by Pendleton Woolen Mills, an Oregon-based sweater manufacturer. As appealing as sucking original White Russian stains out of a 15 year old sweater sounds, those on a Dude-sized budget should be warned that you probably won't be able to afford both this and the dry-cleaning bills for your rug: bidding, according to Consumerist, "is expected to start at $4,000-$6,000."

    If that cuts too far into your weed budget, don't despair! Pendleton is releasing a slightly-modified "tribute version" at a somewhat more El Duderino (if you're not into the whole brevity thing)-friendly $188 price point:

    Guess you'll have to add your own spliff burns.

    [photos via]