Friday Flashback: Oscars Edition

by Zoe Brunn · February 26, 2011

    In honor of the upcoming 83rd Academy Awards, we thought we'd bring you Oscar nostalgia from the 50s and 60s. The routine is pretty much the same, just in black and white and with less plastic surgery. Check out this Oscar pre-party happening in 1960 with singer Yves Montand, his wife actress Signoret Simone, and actors Dean Martin and Jack Lemmon. Keep reading for more of our favorite flashback photos of the Oscars...

    Doris Day and Clark Gable rehearse their lines for their joint presentation of writing awards.

    Buddy Adler's trophy for producing Best Picture winner From Here To Eternity sits in the coat check room during an after party in 1954.

    Paul Newman admires wife Joanne Woodward at the Governor's Ball, who took home the award for Best Actress in 1958.

    [All photos by Leonard McCombe/TIME & LIFE via]