Eavesdropping In: Bob Weinstein, Soda Smuggler; Sarah Palin's Illegal Trust Fund; Alexis Neiers Surrenders For Jail Time; John Isner Defeated In Second Round; Babies On Sale At Wal-Mart For $25; Tori Spelling Thinks Farrah Fawcett's Spirit Contacted Her...

by Emily Green · June 25, 2010

    Who sneaks Diet Coke into a spa? Bob Weinstein, that's who [NYPost]

    Sarah Palin's legal defense fund gets busted for being illegal [HuffPost]

    Alexis Neiers turns herself in for her 180-day jail stint [TMZ]

    11+ hour Wimbledon match winner, John Isner, loses in second round [LATimes]

    Salinas couple tries to sell their baby for $25 outside Wal-Mart [KTLA]

    Tori Spelling claims Farrah Fawcett contacted her from the afterlife [Popeater]