Eavesdropping In: Fiona Apple Arrested For Hash; Passengers Stuck On Knott's Ride 300ft High For Hours; Paris Hilton Says Most Gays Have AIDS; Man Wins $7 Mil "Popcorn Lung" Lawsuit; Dax Shepard Gave Up Blow & Booze For Kristen Bell

by Emily Green · September 20, 2012

    -Fiona Apple's been a bad, bad girl... and is currently in jail for a drug possession arrest after authorities at a border stop in Sierra Blanca, Texas found hash on her tour bus during an inspection. Sounds like maybe she needs a good defense? And needs to be redeemed...? Sorry, I will stop there. [TMZ]

    -People were stuck suspended 300 feet up in the air yesterday on Knott's Berry Farm's WindSeeker for nearly four hours when the amusement park ride malfunctioned before lowering the dangling riders safely to the ground. [KABC]

    -A new audio clip of a conversation with a friend earlier this month regarding gay sex between strangers captures Rhodes Scholar Paris Hilton saying this:

    "gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS."


    -Ummmm...? A man diagnosed with "popcorn lung" from breathing the fumes associated with microwave popcorn after eating roughly three bags of it a day for a decade has been awarded over $7 million by a jury in his lawsuit against the popcorn manufacturers and retailers. Justice is served, or something. [KTLA]

    -Dax Shepard has given up a life of getting routinely bombed on pretty much any drug under the sun, but mostly cocaine and Jack Daniels, to be with his fiance Kristen Bell. Isn't that sweet? [Us]

    [Fiona Apple "Criminal" screencap via]