Eavesdropping In: Jaime Pressly DUI; Ann Coulter Calls MSNBC Host "Retarded"; Obama Names Chief Of Staff; More Dead Birds Fall From Sky; Twilight, Johnny Depp Sweep People's Choice Awards

by Emily Green · January 6, 2011

    Another day, another celeb DUI. This time, it's Jaime Pressly, busted in Santa Monica for likely driving while hammered as her bail is set at $15k instead of $5k, the extra $10k reserved for when BAC is above .15 [TMZ]

    Since the ever-tactful conservative talking head Ann Coulter referred to an MSNBC host as "retarded" via tweet, can we look forward to a Coulter-Sarah Palin face-off? [HuffPo]

    Former Commerce Secretary Bill Daley has been chosen as President Obama's new chief of staff [LATimes]

    Following the NYE mass death of blackbirds in Arkansas, more dead birds fall from Sweden's skies [KTLA]

    Can we all agree the core voters for the People's Choice Awards must be adolescent females since Twilight and Johnny Depp went home winners last night? [PE]