Eavesdropping In: Kendra Sex Tape Teaser, Limbaugh Nurses His Ego, Taylor Momsen Carries Knives, L.A. Boycotts AZ, Rachel Uchitel-David Boreanaz Texts Leaked

by Emily Green · May 13, 2010

    Everyone really excited for the Kendra Wilkinson sex tape? Some stills from the thespian masterpiece have been released to tie us all over until Vivid launches the video [TMZ]

    Rush Limbaugh is licking his wounds after learning yesterday of the Obama camp's snide rejection to his golf game invitation; to nurse his bruised ego the only way he knows how, he takes cheap shots at Bill Clinton [NYPost]

    Taylor Momsen has a really disturbing fixation with knives and feels compelled to carry them with her everywhere...  [NYPost]

    In response to the new immigration law, Mayor Villaraigosa is expected to sign an official boycott of Arizona which will bar all L.A. business and involvement with the state [Huffington Post]

    Now we can all see in writing how needy Rachel Uchitel is from the leaked text messages between her and David Boreanaz [Popeater]