Eavesdropping In: Reggie Bush Forfeits Heisman; Meg Whitman As Pinocchio In Jerry Brown Ad; A Twitter Makeover; Chris Brown Pouts In A Corner; Michaele Salahi Reveals MS Diagnosis

by Emily Green · September 15, 2010

    Reggie Bush has forfeited his 2005 Heisman Trophy before the committee could strip him of it [TMZ]

    Meg Whitman portrayed as Pinocchio caricature in Jerry Brown's first attack ads against his opponent in the race for CA governor [HuffPo]

    Attention tweeps, Twitter's getting a makeover! [LATimes]

    While all the other pop stars were at the VMAs, Chris Brown sulked in a nightclub corner. Somebody call the waaambulance [Post]

    Bravo's D.C. Housewife and White House crasher Michaele Salahi reveals she's had Multiple Sclerosis for 7 years [PE]