Eavesdropping In: Zac Efron's Night At The Strip Club; Oil Spill Dissipating Quickly; Man Catches What Might Be CA's Biggest Shark; Lindsay's Getting Glam Before She Leaves Jail; Oksana's Publicist Is No Longer

by Emily Green · July 28, 2010

    Zac Efron has a boys night out at a strip club... A female strip club [NYPost]

    Gulf of Mexico oil spill is dissolving much faster than expected [NYTimes]

    Man catches HUGE Mako Shark in Oxnard, possibly CA's biggest [KTLA]

    Lindsay's hair & makeup team are on call to get her camera-ready for her jail exit [Popeater]

    Was Oksana's publicist fired, or did he quit that mess? [TMZ]