Twitteriffic Tweets: Summer Heat, Mexican Food & Hollywood

by guestofaguest · July 29, 2010

    @azizansari Damn I wish Hermes made edible snacks, Cheezits just ain't dope enough for my mouth. #PredictingKanyeTweets 17 minutes ago via Echofon

    @Joan_Rivers Hollywood. Where a person can wake up and be served breakfast by the pool, jump in a Mercedes and go to the Unemployment Office. about 2 hours ago via web

    @Dirt_Nasty Its so hot in Vegas that Carrot Tops dick melted into oblivion on Chris Angels face. 3 minutes ago via ÜberTwitter

    - @JessicaMeisels So excited for @BrittGastineau party tonight at beach bunny for @tresglam then yummy dinner @xiv_restaurant!! about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter

    @jordanrubin I ate so much Mexican food last night that I just took the morning after pill. 1 minute ago via Twittelator

    - @GaryJBusey Window locks are the greatest invention for hot-boxing a fart in a car full of friends. 10 minutes ago via web

    - @NickyHilton It takes me twice as long to get everywhere because I avoid freeways at all costs. #scaredycat about 2 hours ago via ÜberTwitter