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10. "The Flute is a Heavy, Metal Instrument"
Evidently in 1989, the powers that be felt mastery of a woodwind instrument was more metal than the guitar thrashing of Metallica and presented the flute-heavy Jethro Tull album Crest of a Knave the award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance over Metallica's ...And Justice For All. As if issuing some sort of apology, Jethro Tull's record label placed a Billboard ad for the album that read, "The flute is a heavy, metal instrument." Humor didn't help assuage drummer Lars Ulrich's balloon-like ego. When Metallica won for its self-titled album three years later at the 1992 Grammys, Lars made sure to thank the Academy for giving Jethro Tull the award three years prior, telling the audience to "read between the lines." [Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson on flute  via]
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