You Should Know: Geri Hirsch

by Christie Grimm · March 14, 2016

    Being in the online editorial business, as you can imagine, we’ve a pretty soft spot for all things bloggers. To say we’re addicted to following the fashion, wellness, and lifestyle goings on of Because I’m Addicted’s Geri Hirsch, well, that would just be lame. True, but lame.

    Name: Geri Hirsch
    Occupation: Creative Director
    Place of birth: LA
    Instagram / Twitter:  @gerihirsch / @gerihirsch
    Zodiac Sign: Leo

    What do you actually do all day? create

    Favorite song growing up? Anything on k-earth 

    My biggest secret is… I’m motivated by insecurity 

    Why do you live in Los Angeles? City life with paradise weather

    My motto is… “What you think, you become” - Buddha

    My alter ego is… Beyonce. Isn’t she every girls? 

    The last drink I had was… Smoothie this AM. Wine last night

    My secret crush is… Amanda Chantal Bacon because WELLNESS 

    What was your first job? slanging Seven jeans out of my sorority 

    If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? hike, juice, beach and every other LA cliche 

    Coming from? Going to? a meeting // the gym 

    What is your favorite work of art? Jackson Pollack drip work @ MOMA 

    Who should we know? My husband Darin Friedman. A real BOSS.