A Lesson For All Male Bloggers

by AMANDA MELILLO · March 11, 2008

    mike chericoThe beauty of blogging is that you get to write whatever you want--provided that it's not going to get you arrested. The downside of blogging, when you blog for a publication like a newspaper or magazine, is that you sometimes need to watch what you write--or at least how you act.  Let it be a lesson to all future "Man Needs Date" bloggers for Glamour magazine's website that you must at least PRETEND to be a gentleman. Blogger Mike Cherico was fired after behaving "boorishly" towards women, and more specifically towards one Miss Smarty Shoes, who he wrote had herpes because she had a cut on her lip, lusted after another woman while they were at a concert together, and made her pick up the phone when his ex-girlfriend was calling. That's just the least of what she writes about on her MySpace account. Apparently there have been many, many allegations against him, which Page Six didn't see fit to print because they are a "family newspaper", but reading what they DO consider fit to print, I have got to wonder what else he did. Lesson to Mike Cherico: You are writing for a woman's publication. Don't you know they don't want you to act like a GUY! They want you to act like a woman WANTS a guy to act! Yes, Carrie Bradshaw and her posse slept with lots of guys, but they weren't TOTALLY unaware of the rules of tasteful behavior. Isn't that what Glamour really wants--a male Carrie Bradshaw, so that women can "get how a guy thinks" yet still be in denial of what he REALLY thinks?

    [Photo via Jossip]