A Trip Down Memory Lane...Gawker Homepage Circa 2003

by Rachelle Hruska · March 5, 2009

    Do you feel like you are constantly behind on the internet?  You just figured out how to use Facebook from the last relaunch, and now they are changing it up on you again?  You finally learned what re-tweeting meant, you are starting to understand the ins and outs of a tumblr dashboard, and you think you are pretty good about iPhone apps...but it NEVER.ENDS.

    Trust us, we've all been there.  SO, a present for those of you who are in need of reminiscing on some simpler times.  The Gawker homepage from Feb. 6, 2003.  Click on the photo at the left to be redirected to the actual archived page and HAVE FUN! Then compare it to today's version.

    Thanks Peter Feld! You just made our day!
