The Icon: Captain America

Captain AmericaThe all-American boy from Brooklyn will have you heating up, no matter how high you blast the AC. Captain America is the go-to representation of Americana, bringing together all the great parts of America--freedom, bravery, friendship, sacrifice, and those gorgeous blue eyes. Fall in love with Steve Rogers as fast as the strong-willed Peggy does (or fall in love with Peggy), and remember what's so great about being an American. So tune in to the Cap's tale of love and war, and you'll be singing "God Bless America" about Captain America's bodysuit for the rest of the summer. 'MURICA QUOTE: "You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and be on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights." [Photo via @captainamerica.on.ig]
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