"Ignition (Remix)"

"Ignition (Remix)"
Ignition (Remix) Title: "Ignition (Remix)" Artist: R. Kelly Details: Quick pop culture history lesson: In 2003, R. Kelly released the original version of "Ignition" and absolutely no one cared. At the end of the orignal, he gave listeners a "lil' preview of the remix" and segued into the first verse of the "Ignition (Remix)" we all know and love. When he released the full remix to "Ignition," it jumped to the top of the charts and buried the original in obscurity. These days: In 2011, Joseph Gordon-Levitt covered the remix and frankly we're still waiting for that one to become a crossover hit. As for R. Kelly, he's still Trapped in the Closet. Buy it on iTunes here [Photo via]
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