Please Excuse These Technical Difficulties...

by Rachelle Hruska · June 8, 2009

    [Photo via Ben Watts]

    YIKES! It's a jungle out there in the world of java scripts, html, and PHP, something like that. In any case, we apologize for today's technical difficulties and we are hard at work at restoring the server that your traffic just completely crushed. In the meantime, you can read this article in today's NY Times by David Carr where I basically dog on print media*. If that's not the gods of karma at work, I don't know what is. And now, we will try to salvage the rest of the day. Bear with us....

    *I want to say now that I was strictly referring to print media in GofG's case, not all print media. I followed this statement with a "I would cry if I couldn't get my Times in print" statement, and I feel the same way about any longstanding NYC newspaper. I respect Peter Kaplan's work at the Observer and wish him the best at Conde Nast.