Tinsley Mortimer Gets Arrested At Ex-Boyfriend's House, Is Really Just All Of Us

by Stephanie Maida · April 11, 2016

    Washed up socialites, they're just like us! No really though, let's not be mean to Tinsley. Reports surfaced this weekend that the Bergdorf Blonde was arrested on Saturday in - where else - Palm Beach, Florida for trespassing. But she was hardly trying to break into a Taco Bell, don't be vulgar. No, she was picked up, crying and screaming, at her ex-boyfriend's house, sugar heir Nico Fanjul. 

    According to police reports, the 40 year old (who has had her fair share of ups and downs) was called in as an "unwanted guest" by the homeowner and was escorted off the property after claiming that she just wanted to get her purse and that her "boyfriend" was inside with another woman. 

    She was released two hours later and while the situation is certainly unfortunate, let us say: (S)he who is without sin among you, let her be the first to throw a stone. Slick Bible reference, right? But seriously, before we start judging our old friend Tinsley, who hasn't had a momentary freak-out also known as ex-girlfriend syndrome? Just be thankful your mugshot is less media-friendly.

    [Photo via Palm Beach County Sheriff]